Monday, December 6, 2010


is this a leak or an audacity? a right of freedom of expression or right to give right information?
now the un-kool sam(uncle sam), has washed his hands and is chasing the Mr. journalist jullian assange.
is this world don't provide you the right of freedom. do we don't have the right to information? then why?.

US is known for many unlawful, tyrant activities and conspiracies, but for the first time our Mr journalist been able to declare a true war of information with the crook US.

iraq war is a perfect example of injustice by american soldiers and american government.
abu ghareb jail, the inmates sufferings and many innocent deaths of iraqi's can't be faded so easily from our mind. the face of cruelty has been realised to those inmates of abu-ghareb jail.

when are we be able to say, "we are free". why always someone is restricting us from top.
why it is so that, being a free citizen of a free nation, we can't feel free for the world arena.

why always US, proves that, they are supreme and they have every right to do injustice? when will this quiet caricature lifestyle is to be maintained.

why the hell then UN formed? is UN really dead? or UN is a name plate of US of America.

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