Tuesday, November 30, 2010

vulgarity in india

Modernization or westernization?
India a few years back, just count to five to seven years back. Had a censor board for the certification of bollywood films, crediting the film under a very strict scanner for obscene, vulgarity and explicit contents. Is the same censor board doing its work and exist till now? Or there is a gradual shift in the view of obscene in the name of modernization. Is it really modernization or a shifting of our culture and moral values towards the western world in the name of modernization?
Why it is thought that if we want to develop, we have to compromise with something like our old fashioned culture and moral values. No more our traditions are the part of our integral dignity.  Those who are following their cultural and traditional values are thought to be orthodox, sticky and rigid, or person with narrow vision and mindset.
I ask why? Is it really necessary to westernize for development?
Why we have to change? Why we need to change our values? Why we? We are seeing that western culture is now shifting towards our culture and adopting our moral values. Then why we need to focus them? I ask why vulgarity and explicit contents in the soaps and serials which are viewed by the millions of families. Youths are not able to adjust themselves with their guardians, while watching a serial on television. They prefer not to watch than to watch with their family members.
Kids are no more ignorant about explicit. They are much more advanced in every field now than we used to be at that age. It’s ok with the positive side of this advancement like advanced in the field of usage of computers or knowledge of programs of computers and latest gizmos and technology. But why don’t we restrict them for the ill side of it?
Are we so helpless now that we don’t even be able to care our babies properly and give them a positive environment? Are we not helpless in controlling their abound expectations?
How can we stop all these uncontrolled activities? Are the movies and television soaps not responsible for this? Internet too has adverse effect? Internet is again both a boon and bane for the generation.
As a responsible citizen of high a country which is known for its rich traditions and high cultural values we need to take some steps. We should be aware of our consequence in the future. Lest not blame each ourselves and with a positive note take a good step, eradicate our evil thoughts to accept this much level of explicit. We can’t adopt who cares, policy if we want to be called Indians.
India has a very high value, we have to keep it in our mind. Jai hind, jai jawan, jai kisan and jai vigyan.

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